(The gate was full of memories. We always got in from this gate.)


→Time in Uk, 19:33, 5th February, 2010.

At Lady Wootons Green, at Food Court.
The last class, the last day.
Kind of sad...

Four of us are in the same class.
With our two home teachers, Sarn and Laura.

Sarn's teaching is good.
He let us pick out a guy to be a teacher and that teacher can choose one student to answer the question.
That teacher has to correct the student's pronuciation and answer.
So you must concentrate on what the student speaks very much.
Therefore, you can practice listening, speaking, and how to teach by this.

Also, he always explains a word or a sentence by drawing pictures.
That will help us realize and remember easily.
It's very useful.

Laura also has a great teaching skill.
I like she often gives students a topic for the presentation.
During the class, we inspected the others' presentation about invention.
About this topic, you have to invent a new thing by yourself.
It should be not real in the world.
Then, present it in English to let people want to buy it.

Also, Laura often gives us an article about someone in history.
We can learn a lot about history in UK from this article.
It's nice to know more about the country we stayed.

These two teachers' teaching is focus on speaking.
If we want to improve our speaking, just speak loudly and bravely.
That's what we should do.

Let me introduce my classmates.

This is Eri from Japan.
Eri can speak Chinese a little well.
She is a great girl.

This is Misako from Japan.
Misako's granddad is a Chinese.
She told me on the first day.
I was very happy with that. lol

This is Juan and Jian from Mainland China.
Their English names are from the pronuciation of Chinese name.
Their Chinese names are 娟 and 健。

Juan is a very hard-working student, so is Jian.
And Jian has a funny look, when someone is answering the questions in class.
But, 他卻說我笑點很低。

Vivian is also from Mainland China.
She has some kinds of mature thoughts and has many experiences in life.
An indepandent girl.

Chanelle and her mum, Yvonne.
Both of them are teachers.
Chanelle is very beautiful.

Food court, we always have lunch at here.
The food is cheaper than outside.
Here is full of the smell of not only food, but also laughter and memories.

And I found something interesting.
There is one word on water machine.
"AZURE", I thought it's just a name, but it has a meaning.
Because Azure is one of my classmates.
Ha!!! Funny.

Afternoon at Augustine House.
Here is a food area.
Also full of memories.

At night, went to a night club, Chill.
First time to go there.

It's a disco club, everyone always dance.
But I still prefer that one Angel took us to.
I like to sit around and talk with friends.
It's more peaceful.

Holly and I left earlier.

今晚是打算睡在Sherry家,but 1點離開Club,與Holly走回她家,回到Club門口已2點,Sherry and Moon were still in there, but I could not get in。
So走到Lady Wottons Green外的圍牆坐下。

夜晚的Canterbury街道,有很特別的味道,But too cold。
30分鐘的路程,腦袋一直想著回到柔軟的床上,so tired。

回到家已經3點了,YUP! I couldn't get in, because the gate was locked, absolutely.
因為我跟Home mum講了今天不回家。

原來是Home dad要出門工作了。
他問我:「Why are you standing here?」


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