

OH~OH~OH~ 根本是在看無間道。





喜歡永才後頭「끝내 널 훔쳐 올 Game (結束了呢 偷走妳的 Game

결국 난 너만의 Champ(我終究是妳專屬的 Champ)」這兩句。




 B.A.P 第2張正規專輯 『NOIR』 發行資訊



★ 2016.11.11-B.A.P-SKYDIVE MV 2016.11.07 [韓+中]


影片來源/Video Source:TSENT2008→

翻譯製作/Translator & Editor:Stokely



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★ 2016.11.17-B.A.P-SKYDIVE @ SBS Inkigayo 2016.11.13《Comeback Stage》[韓+中+英/KOR+CHN+ENG]

影片來源/Video Source:SBS Inkigayo→

歌詞翻譯/Lyrics Translator:Stokely, 1theK, KBS World TV

影片製作/Video Editor:Stokely



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★ 2016.11.20-비에이피 (B.A.P)-SKYDIVE @ KBS Music Bank 希望慶州 2016.11.18 [韓+中+英/KOR+CHN+ENG]





影片來源/Video Source:KBSKpop→

歌詞翻譯/Lyrics Translator:Stokely, 1theK, KBS World TV

影片製作/Video Editor:Stokely



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作詞:방용국 (方容國), Mafly, Ponde, Rjanah, Dear.D 作曲:최진석, Tim Hawes, Obi Mhondera 編曲:최진석

Stokely 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考─ 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!附上本文網址及註明“STOKELYのブログ

※ E-trans by 1theK and KBS World TV. Please indicate the source as "STOKELYのブログ" & the full link to this page when sharing.




We can skydive free fall

We can skydive free fall


Skydive free fall
Skydive free fall


We can skydive we go

We can skydive we go

펼쳐진 세상에


Throw myself


나를 던져


to the wide world


Go to the other side
Go to the other side



Catch catch light

Catch catch light

너를 데려가


Take you away

원해 Back in time

想要 Back in time

I want back in time

믿고 따라와

相信我 跟我來

Believe me and just follow

Baby Let's ride
Baby Let's ride


어둠 속에 날 부르는

在黑暗之中 呼喚我的

Calling me in the dark

이 상처뿐인 Fantasy (Woo)
只有這傷痕的 Fantasy (Woo)

This fantasy full of scars (Woo)



Yes, That's right

Yes, That's right

환한 Spotlight

明亮的 Spotlight

A bright spotlight

나를 비춘 다음

照亮了我 接著

Shine it on me

높이 날아가


And fly high

Baby we can fly
Baby we can fly


Just let go,

Just let go,

나를 믿고 뛰어 몸을 던져봐 (Bang)
相信我 奔跑吧 投身其中 (Bang)

Believe me and run. Throw yourself (Bang)


시작도 끝도 없는 Sky

沒有起點也無終點的 Sky

There's no beginning or end to this sky


난 혜성처럼 Fly

我就像彗星般 Fly

I fly like a comet


더 끌어당겨 내 몸은


Pulling more. My body is

Out of control
Out of control


*다 버리고


Abandon everything


Skydive (열정을 불태워 Dynamite)

Skydive (點燃熱情 Dynamite)

Skydive (Ignite your passion Dynamite)


Skydive (모두 다 겁 없이 던져 봐)

Skydive (無所畏懼地投入吧)

Skydive (Throw yourself fearlessly)


속도를 높여 심장을 네게 맡겨

加快速度 將心交給妳
Speed up. Leave my heart to you


Skydive (이 세상을 전부 Do we rock)

Skydive (這世界全都 Do we rock)

Skydive (This whole world Do we rock)

Skydive (몸을 던져 It's do or die)

Skydive (投身其中 It's do or die)

Skydive (Throw yourself It's do or die)


난 이렇게 난 이렇게 니 공간 속으로

我就如此地 如此地 通往妳所在空間

Just like this, just like this, I get into your space



(We can skydive free fall)


Yeah 걸음은 걸음은 버려 Go with me

Yeah 拋開步伐 步伐 Go with me

Yeah, ignore the steps. Go with me

빠르게 달려 Come with me

跑快一點 Come with me

Run fast. Come with me

(You know, You know, You know, You know)


(We can skydive free fall)


Let me go yo begin

Let me go yo begin

Again 내 눈에 비친 더 새로운 세계로

Again 前往我眼裡反射出 更嶄新的世界

Again. To the new world in my eyes

Ti-ti-time is tickin'

Ti-ti-time is tickin'


(We can skydive free fall)


점점 더 밀려드는 Dark

愈來愈逼近的 Dark

The growing dark


온몸을 때린 Beat

敲打全身的 Beat

Beaten down by the beat


또 몰아쳐도 이겨내

就算再次襲來 我也能戰勝

Even if it keeps raging, I overcome


I'm in control
I'm in control


Repeat *


Oh, 찾고싶어 널

Oh, 好想找到妳

Oh, I want to find you


We can skydive free fall

We can skydive free fall


(Falling down with you)



끝내 널 훔쳐 올 Game

結束了呢 偷走妳的 Game

In the end, the game to steal you back

결국 난 너만의 Champ

我終究是妳專屬的 Champ

In the end, I'm the champ only for you


We can skydive free fall
We can skydive free fall


Come with me!
Come with me!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1


다 버리고


Abandon everything


(ALL)   (ZELO)
Skydive (열정을 불태워 Dynamite)

Skydive (點燃熱情 Dynamite)

Skydive (Ignite your passion Dynamite)


Skydive (모두 다 겁 없이 던져 봐)

Skydive (無所畏懼地投入吧)

Skydive (Throw yourself fearlessly)


내 손을 잡아 (날 잡아)
握住我的手 (握好我)

Hold my hand (Hold me)



내 맘을 확인해봐

Check my heart



Skydive (이 세상을 전부 Do we rock)

Skydive (這世界全都 Do we rock)

Skydive (This whole world Do we rock)

Skydive (몸을 던져 It's do or die)

Skydive (投身其中 It's do or die)

Skydive (Throw yourself It's do or die)


넌 그대로 넌 그대로 날 믿고 기다려

妳就那樣地 那樣地 相信我 等著吧
You as you are, you as now, just believe me and wait


We can skydive free fall x 2
We can skydive free fall x 2


(I'm Falling for you)


We can skydive free fall

We can skydive free fall





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