
水玉 JR:

How tall are you, honestly? (Only drawing)
 花 I am from 170 cm to 180 cm.
  (JR was so speechless, ha! Baekho showed fans 174 cm with gesture.まるちゃん風)

 双葉 Have you seen a Porsche car in the front of hotel?
 花 Yes.
If you date with me, I'll buy you one.
 花 (JR immediately waved his hand, come come.きゃっ
   I really appreciate your good intention. (Baekho really wanted that.笑
   (Ken thought that fan might not have one cause she had a wrong writing on Porsche in Chinese.)

※ Questions about Taiwan
  NU'EST prepared a huge toy bear (100~110 cm approx.) for a lucky fan.
  The winner drew out ticket stubs in a box to pick out the lucky one.
  REN was the winner! And he went down the stage and sent the bear to the lucky fan.

※ Image Game
All fans had to stand up and showed the number with hand gesture for the questions.
  No. 1 is Minhyun, No. 2 is REN, No. 3 is JR, No. 4 is Baekho.

  The losers had to sit down and at the last there were four people being selected to get a shirt of NU'EST.
  Q 1. Who is the meanest?
  Q 2. Who pays attention to fashion more
Q 3. Who likes to act cute (aegyo) most?

  A 1. REN (So many people failed this one, including me.悔し泣き)
  A 2. REN (No hesitation.きゃっ
A 3. JR (Everyone thought it's REN, but Baekho said JR was the best in the dorm. JR was so shy at that time.)

※ Terrible Box (恐怖箱) & Video for Baekho's B'day
Terrible Box is fake. All was for giving Baekho a surprise.

※ Call out Aaron
  Aaron's voice was kind of weak and constantly apologized for not coming to the concert.
  At the last, all fans said saranghae to Aaron. He also responded.

※ Video of practicing
  NU'EST went for clothing change.
  The video showed how hard they practiced for the concert, it' very touching.

03. 여보세요 (喂Yeo Bo Se Yo)
04. I'm Sorry
05. 너네 누나 소개시켜줘 (姊姊我想認識妳)

※ Throwing signed color balls to fans

※ Video for 500 days

06. Sandy Chinese ver.
  After ending the song, NU'EST mentioned about who wrote the Chinese lyrics.
  They took the signed CD and poster from backstage, and sent them to the writer's seat with all of four in person.
07. Hello Hello
08. Not Over You
09. Face

10. Sandy
NU'EST is too sweet. They came down from the stage.
  When they were singing, my sis took REN's hand for so long time until the staff stopped her and said "It's enough." すげ~
For me, I also touched REN and Baekho's arms cause I ran from this side to the other side.
  Unfortunately, JR and Minhyun were at the leftest
and rightest, I couldn't go that far.
Crazy us, we stood upon the seat and cross it to grab this rare chance cause there'a an aisle behind our seats. Haaaaaa!!!きゃー

※ Taking Photos with NU'EST and L.O.Λ.E

11. Beautiful Solo
  Everyone stood up and got high!



My favorite part is hugging.ハート2
Let me share how I felt about these four gorgeous guys' hugs.

Baekho forgot to hug me after giving the autograph on the album.
So I forwardly hugged him, he seemed be shocked. Haaa!!かぁぁぁああぁ

Ren's hug was the tightest in the four, I could tell he loves L.O.Λ.E. so much.
He's really sincere when he looked at my eyes and said 我愛你 (I love you).

JR's hug touched my heart.
I told him "I like him (大好き)" in Japanese, he also responded me in Japanese.
It's very sweet, though I'm a Taiwanese.

When I hugged with Minhyun, I felt a warm wave through me. It's very comfortable and smooth.
Minhyun is a nice and warm guy actually.

I really would like Aaron's hug too.


After seeing their live showcase, I am addicted to them more.
They are more fantastic and brilliant than on TV.
Regardless of their talking skill, dancing skill, or singing skill, they did beyond what I expected.
NU'EST is the best!!!!


So happy to take some bonus back.



And thank all the fans from the forums, you're all great. お疲れ様でした。






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