Please don't forget notifying us on this blog after you send out the postcards.
So that we can get your postcards without any mistake.
Topic : "JAPAN Fighting!!" Postcard Support Activity.
Target : Encouraging those who suffered from disaster in Japan in name of NEWS’ Fans.
Principle : Collecting postcards to NEWS and victims, everyone needs to prepare 2 postcards, one is to NEWS, and the other is to victims. Then we’ll ask if NEWS could transfer these postcards to victims for us.
(If we can collect huge amounts of postcards, we’ll send them in batches to NEWS or the local charity, like Japanese Red Cross.)
Date / Period : From now on~
(This plan will last for one month at least. We hope we can get the postcards off by the first post in 2 weeks. The deadline of first post is Saturday, April 2nd, 2011.)
How to join : Preparing 2 normal-size postcards(14.8x 10.5cm ), writing some simple Japanese or English words, setting it into the envelope, and sending it to the representative in your zone.
To those who love NEWS or want to encourage Japanese victims.
The deadline of first post is Saturday, April 2ed, 2011.
The staff will sort out all postcards and send them to Johnny’s Family Club(JFC) by April 7th.
If we get lots of response with passion, we’ll proceed it to the next round.
Hoping everyone can re-post this activity to anywhere so that more friends who love NEWS can get this information.
Writing down some encouraging words in simple Japanese or English on the postcard.
Please write down some encouraging words in simple Japanese or English on the postcard.
You’re also allowed to attach some drawings, like smile, rainbow, heart…etc. Whatever you want.
Main Topic:愛を信じて、希望を信じて、未来を信じて
Believe in Love, Believe in Hope, Believe in Future
(Please write it down on the top in bigger font)
Contents / Words of Suggestion:
We will support NEWS forever!
We all feel sorry about the disaster, please take care.
Please take care, we’ll pray for everyone, and JAPAN.
(Want to deliver everyone's love to Japan by the power of NEWS.)
(Like NEWS so much.)
ずっと NEWSを応援します。
(Support NEWS forever.)
いつも NEWS を応援しています。
(Always supporting NEWS.)
(Take care ne!/Please take care.)
To Victims:
We Love Japan !
Pray for Japan !
Love Japan Forever!
Fight for life, Fight for everything.
Fight and Smile
ずっと 日本 を応援します。
(Support Japan forever.)
( Japan Go Go Go!)
みんな気をつけて 勇気を出して!
(Take care and be brave, everyone.)
強く生きなくてはいけないよね !
(It has no choice to be strong and live on.)
(Let the world which everyone exists become one.)
(Let’s live hard.)
笑顔でいれば いい事あるさ!
(Just smile, good things will happen.)
ゆっくりでいい やめないで!
(Just slow down, don’t give up)
あきらめない 君たちはひとりじゃない!
(Don’t give up, you are not alone.)
心配ない 私たちは君たちのそばにいるよ
(Don’t worry, we are all by your side.)
NEWS to everyone:
「Encouraging with each other, you are not alone.」
「This crisis will get over with everyone’s cooperation.」
「Let's work hard together with a no giving-up heart.」
You’re allowed to attach some drawings, like smile, rainbow, heart…etc. Whatever you want.
◇Contact Information◇
Please directly leave message or send mail to staff for asking address.
e-mail :
Now, we have 3 delivery addresses, one is in the US., another is in Taiwan, the other is in Hong Kong.
If anyone wants to help us receive postcards, we’re willing to have you with us. Please contact us!!
※For privacy leakage prevention and postcards in good condition(Avoiding postmark stamping.)
Please set postcards into the envelope and send the envelope out, NOT MAIL POSTCARDS DIRECTLY.
For Making sure mail will arrive exactly, we suggest to send it by registered mail.
The staff will irregularly update the latest incoming mail on the wretch blog.