



 DAY6 第2張日文單曲『Stop The Rain』發行資訊





★ 2018.07.26-DAY6-Stop The Rain MV 180725 [日+中+英/JPN+CHN+ENG]


影片來源/Video Source:

翻譯製作/Translator & Editor:Stokely



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DAY6-Stop The Rain


作詞:Young K, Sungjin, Jae, Wonpil 作曲:Shinichi Ubukata, Young K, Sungjin, Jae, Wonpil 編曲:


※ Stokely 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!附上本文網址及註明“STOKELYのブログ

※ E-trans by Stokely. Please DO NOT REPOST and indicate the source as 'STOKELYのブログ' & the link to this page when sharing.




White turns to black

White turns to black

空が 少しずつ 淀んでく

sora ga suko shi zu tsu yodo n de ku

天空 一點一滴 變得灰暗

The sky is getting stagnant

待ち受ける 未来を映す

ma chi u ke ru mi rai o utsu su

反射出 等待的未來

It reflects the future I wait for


The coat of paint that you had

The coat of paint that you had

drawn on me will wash away

drawn on me will wash away


naga re ru mamida mo ame to i ssho ni


My teardrops will fade away

消えていく With all of your color tonight

ki e te i ku With all of your color tonight
一同逝去 With all of your color tonight

with the rain With all of your color tonight


精一杯 逃げても

sei i ppai ni ge te mo

就算 拼命閃躲

Even if I try my best to run away

No change

No change


koba n de mi te mo


Even if I try to refuse

I know now

I know now

that it's gonna fall on me
that it's gonna fall on me


(A)How can I stop the rain

How can I stop the rain

Somebody close the gate

Somebody close the gate

この雨を 止ませるように

ko no ame o ya ma se ru yo u n

為了能讓 這場雨止息

In order to stop the rain


oshi e te ku re


Please tell me

I'll do anything
I'll do anything


(B)The clouds are rushing in

The clouds are rushing in

Everything fading grey

Everything fading grey

The lights…

The lights…

絶望の中に 吸い込まれていく

zetsu bou no naka ni su i ko ma re te i ku

漸漸被吸進 絕望之中

are getting to swallow up in despair


君の笑顔が 消えた その瞬間

kimi no e gao ga ki e ta so no shun kan

妳的笑容 消失的 那瞬間

At the moment your smile disappeared

空は 黒い雲に 覆われた

sora wa kuro i kumo ni ou wa re ta

天空 被烏雲 覆蓋

The sky was covered with grey clouds

君がいない 明日を嘆くだろう

kimi ga i na i ashita o nage ku da ro u
沒有妳 明日也只剩嘆息吧

Without you, I will bemoan tomorrow



Somehow the water's climbing over I can't feel me now

Somehow the water's climbing over I can't feel me now

I'm getting deeper and my cries are drowning out
I'm getting deeper and my cries are drowning out


このまま 終わるのか

ko no ma ma o wa ru no ka

會就這樣 結束嗎

Will it end like this?

Oh no
Oh no


No change

No change


koba n de mi te mo


Even if I try to refuse

I know now

I know now

The ending will stay the same
The ending will stay the same

Repeat A


How could I stop the end
How could I stop the end

There's nowhere left to stand
There's nowhere left to stand

Baby you paint over my life
Baby you paint over my life

without you don't really know
without you don't really know

If I'll be alright
If I'll be alright

Repeat B



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