

Woa~~~~I'll be your man的舞步!!跟기도 (I'll be your man) 是一樣的啊~





★ 2017.03.06-비투비 (BTOB)-MOVIE MV [韓+中+英/KOR+CHN+ENG]


影片來源/Video Source:BTOB 비투비 (Official YouTube Channel)→


★ 2017.03.15-비투비 (BTOB)-MOVIE @ MBC SHOW CHAMPION [韓+中+英/KOR+CHN+ENG]


影片來源/Video Source:ALL THE K-POP→

翻譯製作/Translator & Editor:Stokely, E-trans by 1theK



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作詞:정일훈 (鄭鎰勳), 아이엘(IL), 이민혁 (李旼赫), 프니엘 (Peniel)  作曲:정일훈 (鄭鎰勳), 아이엘(IL) 編曲:아이엘(IL), 정일훈 (鄭鎰勳)


※ Stokely 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!附上本文網址及註明“STOKELYのブログ

※ E-trans by 1theK. Please indicate the source as "STOKELYのブログ" & the full link to this page when sharing. 




처음엔 다 그래 믿을만한 놈은 없고

一開始都是這樣 沒半個人可相信

It's the same in the beginning. There's no one to trust

네 옆에 내가 있기엔 너무 아깝다고

有人說:「有我在妳身旁 太過可惜」

They say you're too good for me

날 어떻게 말해도 넌 그냥 이대로 밤이 새도록

不管別人怎麼說我 妳就這樣徹夜

Whatever they say, just spend the night

끝까지 나와 즐기면 돼 Hey DJ
和我嗨到最後就好 Hey DJ

Pull all-nighter with me, enjoy Hey DJ



여자는 자나 깨나 조심해야 해 둘로 나눠서 가질 순 없을 테니 Man

女孩時時刻刻 可得小心點 就算一分為二還是無法擁有的 Man

Ladies always need to be careful. They can't be divided, man

불이야 불이야 조심해 어두운 거리에서 나를 유혹하려 해도

是火啊 是火啊 小心點 就算想在漆黑的街道試圖誘惑我

Fire fire watch out. Even if you try to tempt me at night

I belong to my lady


I belong to my lady

유머 한 조각 올려 먹는 Cake 최고 외에 잡다한 수식어는 Pass

放上一絲幽默 食用的 Cake 除了最棒外的繁雜形容詞就 Pass

Cake with humor as icing. All adjectives beside the best can pass

Make history or not 널 향해 서 있어 All night alright
要不要來創造個歷史 我朝著妳而站 All night alright

Make history or not. I stand facing you all night all right



조금 어지러워 날 좀 붙잡아줘

有點暈眩 稍微抓住我吧

I'm a little dizzy, hold onto me

가슴만은 따뜻해 난 거짓말은 잘 못 해

唯獨心是暖的 我太不會說謊

I have a warm heart and I can't lie

사실은 나 많이 외로운 것 같아 들어줘

我想我其實好寂寞 所以聽我說

I think I'm quite lonely so listen to me

Please don't leave me baby

Please don't leave me baby



(Sungjae) Repeat I段(Hyunsik) Repeat II段(Changsub)
*Love is like a movie 모두 뻔해

愛情就像電影演的 一切昭然若揭

Love is like a movie, they're all obvious

나도 그렇게 널 사랑하길 원해

我也想 像那樣地愛妳

I hope to love you just like that


늘 새롭게 남자답게 내 모든 걸 가져도 돼

我會一直保有新鮮感和像個男人 將我一切都拿去無妨

I'll always be new and manly. You can have my everything

내 시간은 너에게로 흘러


My time flies and reaches you

(Ilhoon) Repeat I段(Minhyuk) Repeat II段(Ilhoon)
늦기 전에 나를 받아줘

趁早 接受我吧

Accept me before it's too late

네 마음에 상처 아무는 대로


As soon as your heart is healed

I'll be your man 누구보다도

我會成為妳的男人 勝過任何人

I'll be your man more than anyone

내 마지막 사랑이 되도록


So that it'll be my last love


Before it's too late girl you better stop fronting


Before it's too late girl you better stop fronting

I'm one in a million, limited edition


I'm one in a million, limited edition

No kidding you'll be wishing you could be my Mrs.


No kidding you'll be wishing you could be my Mrs.

Sooner or later girl you'll want that position


Sooner or later girl you'll want that position

When I walk up in the club all the girls stare at me


When I walk up in the club all the girls stare at me

I'm the only thing they see and the guys wish they were me


I'm the only thing they see and the guys wish they were me

Cuz I'm fresh and clean from my head to my feet


Cuz I'm fresh and clean from my head to my feet

I'm the definition of the word masterpiece

I'm the definition of the word masterpiece


넌 나 흥분시키는데 뭐 있어 야릇해지고 붕붕 떠 있는 기분

妳還真讓我興奮 奇妙又嗡嗡飄在半空的感覺

You always excite me. I feel light-headed and excited

그냥 얘길 해도 내 귀가 간지러

就算只是聊聊天 也會讓我的耳朵發癢

Even if you just talk, my ears tingle

누가 내 안에다 너같이 위험한 다이너마이트를 심었나


It seems someone has placed a dynamite called you in my heart

이건 폭발 직전의 폭풍전야 끊어지는 이성과 터지는 심장이 Bomb bomb

這是爆發前的暴風前夕 斷了的理智與爆炸的心臟 Bomb bomb

This is the silence before an explosion. Losing my reasons and my heart pumping bomb bomb

뻔한 엔딩은 Bye bye like 연애혁명 공주와 왕자
顯然的結局是 Bye bye like 戀愛革命的公主與王子

Typical endings, bye bye like a revolutionary princess and a prince


Repeat *


우리 둘의 만남은 어디까지일까

我們倆的相遇 最終會走到哪兒呢

Where will our meeting lead to?

난 똑같은 실수는 다시 하지 않아


I don't make same mistakes


Move your body right now 날 두고 가지 마

現在就起身行動 別丟下我離開

Move your body right now Don't leave me

Do it again do it again do it again yeah

再來一次 再來一次 再來一次 耶
Do it again do it again do it again yeah


Repeat *





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