





Go for it』一直盤旋在腦海!



★ 2016.07.28-BTOB-Go for it 2016.06.15 [日+中]


影片來源/Video Source:2016.06.15發行之『L.U.V』單曲

製作翻譯/Editor & Translator:Stokely



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BTOB-Go for it


作詞:多田慎也 RAP詞:Minhyuk (旼赫), Peniel, Ilhoon (鎰勳) 作曲:多田慎也, 星野純一 編曲:星野純一

 Stokely 中譯 ,翻譯歌詞僅供參考─ 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!附上本文網址及註明“STOKELYのブログ


 E-trans by Stokely. Please indicate the source as "STOKELYのブログ" & the full link to this page when sharing. 


※ 日文歌詞來源/A credit to JPN lyrics:라이커블 (@likeable_btob)


(A)Okay 簡単に考えよう

Okay kan tan ni kanga e yo u

Okay 簡單思考一下

Okay, think simple

しばらく休んでもいいから 笑ってみて

shi ba ra ku yasu n de mo i i ka ra wara t te mi te

稍微休息一下也無妨 試著笑一個

It's okay to rest for a while. Try to smile


so no hou ga i i n ja na i ka


It's not bad, is it?

水辺に映る 逆さまのセカイに

mizu be ni utsu ru saka sa ma no se ka i ni

水邊上倒映的 顛倒世界裡

In the upside-down world reflected on the waterside


yu k ku ri kumo ga na ga re ru


The clouds are flowing slowly

(I can see the clouds through the water's shore)


(I can see the clouds through the water's shore)

(But if they're moving at all I'm not sure)


(But if they're moving at all I'm not sure)

どこにでもある ありふれた物語

do ko ni de mo a ru a ri fu re ta mono gatari

無所不在的 老掉牙故事

Common stories everywhere


do n na mi rai ga boku o ma t te i ru


What kind of future is waiting for me?

(I don't know what the future holds)


(I don't know what the future holds)

どうしたって進めない時だって 君の笑顔があれば

do u shi ta t te susu me na i toki da t te kimi no e gao ga a re ba

不管怎樣也無法前進的時候 只要保持妳的笑容

Whenever you can't go ahead, just keep your smile

頑張れる誰かがいることを いつも 忘れないで

gan ba re ru dare ka ga i ru ko to o i tsu mo wasu re na i de

無論何時 別忘記 都有努力的人在

Always do remember that there is somebody who works hard

(Just know that your smile can make others light up)


(Just know that your smile can make others light up)

(So I'm telling you now man don't give up)


(So I'm telling you now man don't give up)




Go for it 今輝いて 誰もが虹を探してる

Go for it ima kagaya i te dare mo ga niji o saga shi te ru

Go for it 此刻閃閃發光 誰都在尋覓著彩虹

Go for it. Make yourself shine now. Everyone is seeking for the rainbow


扉あげて まだ知らない僕に会いにいこう

tobira a ge te ma da shi ra na i boku ni a i ni i ko u

打開門扉 驅身去與全新的自己相見

Open up the door and go to meet brand new me



(Yo let's go!)


(Yo let's go!)



(B)Go for it うつむいてないで 新しい空を見上げよう

Go for it u tsu mu i te na i de atara shi i sora o mi a ge yo u

Go for it 別垂頭喪氣 試著抬頭看看嶄新的天空

Go for it. Don't look down. Try to look up at the new sky


J U M P 明日へ そうさそこは マダミヌセカイ

J U M P ashita e so u sa so ko wa ma da mi nu se kai

J U M P 前往明天 沒錯那兒正是 尚未見過的世界

J U M P to tomorrow. That's right! It's the brand new world there



I said get up off the floor ge-get up off the floor


I said get up off the floor ge-get up off the floor

Crying whining stop no more


Crying whining stop no more

There's no time for that


There's no time for that

Look forward to tomorrow pat yourself on the back


Look forward to tomorrow pat yourself on the back




つまづいたって 背中を押してくれた

tsu ma du i ta t te se naka o o shi te ku re ta

一蹶不振 從背後推我一把的

When I stumbled, which patted myself on the back is



so no yasa shi i kimi no te


Your gentle hand



(Always there for me and had me back)


(Always there for me and had me back)

(Won't ever forget it you can count on that)


(Won't ever forget it you can count on that)



不器用すぎて うまく笑えなかった

bu ki you su gi te u ma ku wara e na ka t ta

太過沒用 無法順利展露笑容

I was too clumsy. Wasn't able to smile well



boku no kokoro o ho do i te ku re ta ne


It's you, who untied my heart



(You were always there to make me smile)


(You were always there to make me smile)



見慣れた街の景色でさえ 君の言葉があれば

mi na re ta machi no ke shiki de sa e kimi no koto ba ga a re ba

即便是在熟悉的街景下 只要有妳一句話

Even in views of the familiar street, if there are your words


まるで魔法にかかったように そっと光り出すよ

ma ru de ma hou ni ka ka t ta yo u ni so t to hika ri da su yo

簡直猶如施了魔法般 開始微微綻放光彩

They begin to shine softly as though by a spell



(You're my light even in the dark gasoline that met a spark)


(You're my light even in the dark gasoline that met a spark)



Go for it 囚われの my life 希望の未来(あす)に放って

Go for it tora wa re no my life ki bou no a su ni hana t te

Go for it 被囚禁的 my life 就交給希望的未來去主宰

Go for it. My captive life, leave it alone to the future of hope

どんな夜も やがて嘘のようにあけていくよ

do n na yoru mo ya ga te uso no yo u ni a ke te i ku yo

無論怎樣的夜晚 也終將如謊言般黎明破曉

No matter what the night is, it'll break soon as a lie


(Yo let's go!)


(Yo let's go!)

Go for it 旅ははじまった 溢れ出す願い助走に

Go for it tabi wa ha ji ma t ta afu re da su nega i jo sou ni

Go for it 旅程已展開 讓滿溢的願望幫自己助跑

Go for it. The journey has begun. Take overflowed wishes as approach run

想像力も味方に 走り出す
sou zou ryoku mo mi kata ni hashi ri da su

也把想像力當作夥伴 邁步奔跑

and imagination as your supporter, then start running

(あきらめないで 今 STEP OUT)

(a ki ra me na i de ima STEP OUT)

(別放棄 此刻 STEP OUT)
(Don't give up. Now, STEP OUT)

いつでも あなたのそばで 光る星になって

i tsu de mo a na ta no sa ba de hika ru hoshi ni na t te

自始至終 我都會在妳身邊 化作閃亮的星

I'll be the shining star by your side all the time

起きてるときも 寝てるときも 俺は君だけ
o ki te ru to ki mo ne te ru to ki mo ore wa kimi da ke

不管醒著 或是睡著 我只有為妳

No matter when you are up or sleep, I'm only for you


まだ沈まない 太陽のせいで
ma da shizu ma na i tai you no se i de

都是還不西下的 太陽害的

It's all the fault of the sun which hasn't sunk yet


恥ずかしいなら I'm waiting
ha zu ka shi i na ra I'm waiting

要是害羞 I'm waiting

If you are shy, I'm waiting


夜が更けるまで 我慢するよ
yo ga fu ke ru ma de ga ma su yo yo

直至夜幕低垂 我會忍耐

I'll be patient till the night falls




ma da mi nu se kai


The brand new world



Repeat B & A





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