








★ 2015.08.08-BTOB-夏色 MY GIRL (SUMMER COLOR MY GIRL) MV 2015.08.19 [JPN+ENG/日+中]


BTOB第3張日文單曲『夏色 MY GIRL』,2015年8月19日正式發行。

BTOB's Japanese 3rd Single "夏色 MY GIRL (SUMMER COLOR MY GIRL)" was officially released on 8/19.


影片來源/Video Source: kissent2010→

製作翻譯/Editor & Translator:Stokely,翻譯僅供參考。



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作詞:多田慎也, Minhyuk, Peniel, Ilhoon 作曲:多田慎也 編曲:多田慎也

Lyrics by Shinya Tada, Minhyuk, Peniel, Ilhoon Composed by Shinya Tada Arranged by Shinya Tada

※ Stokely 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考─ 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!附上本文網址及註明“STOKELYのブログ

※ E-trans by Stokely. Please indicate the source as "STOKELYのブログ" & the full link to this page when sharing. 




Yeah, let's go let's go let's go let's go


Yeah, let's go let's go let's go let's go


It's gonna be a bumpy ride


It's gonna be a bumpy ride




Let's go let's go on a trip


Let's go let's go on a trip



My girl my girl, whoo~


My girl my girl, whoo~


Let me take you now, just follow me


Let me take you now, just follow me


I'll show you the whole world


I'll show you the whole world





kai gan sen ni yuu gu re no kaze ga fu ku


The wind at dusk blows on the coastline



kimi ga naga i kami o ka ki a ge te hoho e mu


You brush your long hair and smile




(A)どんな不安を抱えてきたの (眠れぬ夜を)

do n na fu an o kaka e te ki ta no (nemu re nu yoru wo)

妳到底是抱持著怎樣的不安? (渡過失眠的夜)

What kind of uneasiness did you carry? (Had sleepless nights)



何度涙をひとりでこえてきたの oh baby

nan do namida o hi to ri de ko e te ki ta no oh baby

妳到底是獨自熬過多少次的淚流? 哦寶貝

How many times did you get over crying alone? oh baby




(B)(Let's go)


(Let's go)



夏色 君 思い出 投げ捨てたシャツの砂を今払って 

natsu iro kimi omo i de na ge su te ta sha tsu(Shirt) no suna o ima hara te

夏色  回憶 此刻撥開丟出的襯衫上的沙子

Color of summer, you, and the memories. Now sweep away the sand on your shirt that you threw out


駆け出そう また次の季節へ

ka ke da so u ma ta tsugi no ki setsu e

向前狂奔 再次前往下個季節

Let's run forward. Let's go to the next season again



(Put your hands up)


(Put your hands up)



キスして ねぇ 選ん my girl ポケットに隠したリング

ki su(Kiss) shi te ne e era n de my girl po ke-to(Pocket) ni kaku shi ta ri n gu(Ring)

親一個  做個選擇吧,我的女孩 藏在口袋裡的戒指

Give me a kiss. Hey, make a choice, girl. Here is the ring hidden in my pocket


見つめていて ここから 新しい恋がまた始まる

mi tsu me te i te ko ko ka ra atara shi i koi ga ma ta haji ma ru

深深凝視著 新的戀情 從此處再度展開

Stare at it. The new romance starts here again




Hotter than the summer heat


Hotter than the summer heat


You're the girl that I wanna meet


You're the girl that I wanna meet


Morning walk on the beach


Morning walk on the beach


I want you in my reach


I want you in my reach


Hand in hand as we sit back


Hand in hand as we sit back


Let's watch the sunset and relax


Let's watch the sunset and relax


Gimme one chance


Gimme one chance


Gimme me your hand


Gimme me your hand


Girl, let me take you out, let's go for a dance


Girl, let me take you out, let's go for a dance




遠くなった影 ふたつ重なるとき

too ku na t ta kage fu ta tsu kasa na ru to ki

當曾經疏遠的兩道影子 重疊在一起時

When the two shadows used to be apart merge together



kimi no sabi shi sa ga so no te ka ra tsuta wa ru


I'll reach your loneliness through your hand



悲しみさえも想いになるから (君といれたら)

kana shi mi sa e mo omo i na ru ka ra (kimi to i re ta ra)

悲傷也會變成一種思緒 (要是把妳也放進去)

Even the sadness will become a thought (If I put you in as well)


色褪せない記憶へと変わっていく Oh baby

iro a se na i ki oku e to ka wa t te i ku Oh baby

將之轉變成不會褪色的記憶吧 哦寶貝

Just let it turn into a memory that won't fade, oh baby




(Let's go)


(Let's go)



探してた君をずっと 好きっていう言葉じゃいつも足りなくて 

saga shi te ta kimi o zu t to su ki t te i u koto ba ja i tsu mo ta ri na ku te

我尋覓已久的妳永遠 喜歡妳這句話始終都不足矣

You who I've searched for, the word "I like you" is not enough forever


離さない また次の季節へ

hana sa na i ma ta tsugi no ki setsu e

也不放開 再次前往下個季節

I won't let you go. Let's go to the next season again



(Put your hands up)


(Put your hands up)



叫んでも 届かなくて 答えなどいらないよ

sake n de mo todo ka na ku te kota e na do i ra na i yo

就算吶喊也 傳達不到 不需要什麼答案

My voice won't be reached even if I scream. We don't need any answer


ただ笑っていて このまま 新しい恋がまた始まる

ta da wara t te i te ko no ma ma atara shi i koi ga ma ta haji ma ru

只要笑一笑 新的戀情 就如此再度展開

Just smile. The new romance starts again as it is.





i ma ma natsu no Romance wa


The romance in midsummer now is



ki mi to mi ta i n da


Just like you and me


あの空の星も輝いて だんだん熱くなるさ

a no sora no hoshi mo kagaya i te da n da n atsu ku na ru sa

那片天空也同樣星光閃耀 漸漸變得愈來愈熱

The stars in that sky also shine. It gets hotter and hotter


Alright この真夏の終わりは来ないんだ Yeah

Alright ko no ma natsu no o wa ri wa ko na i n da Yeah

好吧 這盛夏的尾聲不會到來 耶

Alright, this midsummer won't come to the end, yeah



boku no te o hana sa na i de


Don't let go of my hand



Repeat A & B




I can give you a start down the road of fame


I can give you a start down the road of fame


Newspaper with your name, front page of magazine


Newspaper with your name, front page of magazine


Runaway from the paps


Runaway from the paps


I can't event count how many cams


I can't event count how many cams






No need to worry


No need to worry


I'll take care of all the business


I'll take care of all the business


Cuz we're not in a hurry (nope)

因為我們不急啊 (沒錯)

Cuz we're not in a hurry (nope)





(te o no ba se)


(Just give me your hand)



(Changsub) Repeat段(Sungjae)

(C)My little girl 永遠のlover

My little girl ei en no lover

我的小女孩 永遠的戀人

My little girl Everlasting lover


My little girl 見つめてよ lover

My little girl mi tsu me te yo lover

我的小女孩 我凝視著妳愛人

My little girl My eyes on you, lover


(Hyunsik) Repeat段(Eunkwang)

今日も明日も ずっと胸が痛いくらい 痛いくらい 痛いくらい

kyou mo asu mo zu t to mune ga ita i ku ra i ita i ku ra i ita i ku ra i

今天明天同樣 胸口始終隱隱作痛 隱隱作痛 隱隱作痛

Today and tomorrow, my heart is always throbbing with pain, throbbing with pain, throbbing with pain



Repeat C





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