於잠꼬대 (Sleep Talking)釋出前,先放出的INTRO,由JR和ARON兩填詞。
JRON-INTRO (NU'EST The 3rd Mini album '잠꼬대(Sleep Talking)' Spoiler)
作詞:JR, ARON 作曲: 編曲:
※ NUESTAIWAN 中譯 ,E-trans by @thenuest─● 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!並附上本文網址及註明“NUESTAIWAN”
친구사이에서 인기 많던 너
You who were popular amongst your friends,
말도 못걸었어 내가 왜? I don't know
我卻連句話也無法和妳說 是為何?我也搞不懂
I couldn't be able to talk to you, why, I don't know
전화번호 나도 갖고싶은데
I want to have your phone number
핸드폰있는데 공간도 비는데
雖然我有手機 記憶體卻是空的
I have a cell phone but the memory/space is empty
Boom Boom 터지겠어 답답해
砰砰 我要爆炸了 好悶啊
Boom Boom, I think I'm exploding, I'm frustrated.
쿵쿵 어떻게 나 갑갑해
鏘鏘 該怎辦 我快悶死了
Bang Bang, what do I do I'm suffocating
밤마다 잠꼬대 매일 밤 반복해
每晚 每晚 不停地說著夢話
Each night I sleep talk
그쪽으로가도되? 전화번호 따도되?
Every night I repeat 'Can I go over there? Can I get your number?'
너무 예뻐 마치 조각상
You're so beautiful like a statue
황금비율 비너스와 너무나 똑같아
Like the golden ratio Venus you and she are the same
외롭지 않게 서로 빛나는 쌍둥자리처럼
妳並不會孤單 我倆就像照耀彼此的雙子座一樣
So you won't be lonely, like Gemini we'll shine with each other,
나도 그렇게 싶어 너랑 단둘이 같이 hey
我也好想要如此 與妳一起獨處 嘿
I want it to be like that. Just us alone together hey
Listen. Ha!
聽著 Ha!
The name's Aaron, girl, check it yo!
我的名字叫做Aaron 女孩,仔細聽囉!
That's spelled with two As if you didn't know.
這拼法有兩個A 如果妳一直不知道的話
Anyway, here's my profile 5'9.
Good-looking Korean dude with a lot of time.
A-ha! I met a lot of girls, got a lot of time.
But you're the first chick that I really wanna make mine.
A lot of fish in the sea but ain't none ever fine.
Girl, like a bomb! Boom, boom! You blew my mind.
A lot of dudes get at ya, I wanna know you the most.
一堆男人了解妳 但最想了解妳的是我
Michael............. but I don't mean to boast.
................. 不是我在吹牛
Hot as a summer sage, sweet as French toast.
妳就像夏天的鼠尾草搖曳生姿 像法國吐司般的甜蜜
Close my eyes here you are, yo Beautiful ghost!
閉上我的雙眼妳就在此 yo 美麗的幽魂