


上個禮拜NEWS的OPEN YOUR EYES攻下北歐單曲排行榜冠軍。

而KAT-TUN的The Break Records也奪下唱片排行榜的第一名。




他們在2006年11月曾參觀過瑞典,也在此地引起非常大的迴響。除了得到非常多媒體的關注外,也在瑞典的Spy Bar有非常精采的演出。他們在當地所發行的單曲Miso Soup也曾在skivetikett Hawk 排行榜上得到非常崇高的地位。






北歐流行歌壇總監Peo Nylén對TEGOMASS要返回表演非常感興趣,也非常有信心可以著手進行所有必要的安排。








Scandinavian Songs celebrating (in yen) 


Last week Scandinavian Songs double reason to celebrate.

Songs from the Swedish publisher was and topped both the singles and the albums list in Japan. 





MI has previously reported on regular Japanese success for songwriters tied to Scandinavian Songs.

Last week it was bingo. Songs from the publisher linked composers were in the top of both the singles and the albums list.

On the singles side, the Open Your Eyes with the group NEWS, written by Fredrik Hult, Thomas G: son and Carl Utbult. 

Kat-tun took over first place in the album list with The Break Records, containing the singles success Rescue; a work of the trio Tord Bäckström, Bengt Girell and Jan Nilsson. 



Clearly, it is now also to Stockholm once again visited by the Japanese duo Tegomass with Tegoshi Yuya and Masuda Takahisa of NEWS said.

Last visit in November 2006 was very successful with great media coverage and a well-attended performance at Spy Bar.

Scandinavian Songs skivetikett Hawk Records reached the time gold status in Sweden with the single Miso Soup by Stefan Åberg and Shusui. 



On May 30 plays Tegomass for fans of j-pop at Nalen (main stage).

Just like last time, is Scandinavian Songs of the event in cooperation with the Westin Promotion and journalist and j-pop-expert Marita Lindqvist. 



Scandinavian Songs CEO Peo Nylén comments: 

Really fun to Tegomass decided to come back and we've had the confidence to undertake this again.

Clearly, they were Mersmak of Sweden and the fans here.

There were many by the time, then we had the problem that many fans simply could not believe it was true and therefore not turned up!

The problem will not we have this time and the interest is already huge, that we notice on blogs and incoming mail. 



Scan Your Ivan Songs celebrating the successes locally right now.

Grammis and P3 Guld Award-songwriter Magnus "filthy" Lidehäll peaks digilistan as one of the creators of the Promoe Svenne Banana.

Filthy is also releasing a single in Japan to pojkbandet w-inds, Rain Is Falling, written together with Jacob "Jake O 'Olofsson (Mr. Radar Publishing).



Lars Nylin





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