


很愛B段白虎SOLO的部分!1379543183.jpg - Emoticon






NU'EST-雨のち永遠 (雨後的永遠 / Eternity After The Rain)


作詞:NICE73 作曲:Kenji Kabashima/WolfJunk    編曲:WolfJunk


※ NUESTAIWAN 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考─● 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!並附上本文網址及註明“NUESTAIWAN

※ E-trans by NUESTAIWAN─● Please indicate the source as NUESTAIWAN & the full link to this page when sharing.




ジンクスなのかな 二人会う時は

ji n ku su(Jinx) na no ka na futa ri a u toki wa
會是魔咒嗎 我倆相會之時
Is it the jinx? When we meet,

いつも雨 冷たい雨さ

i tsu mo ame tsume ta i ame sa
始終下著雨 冰冷的雨

it always rains. What cold rain.

その手のぬくもり 感じたいけれど

so no te no nu ku mo ri kan ji ta i ke re do
雖然很想感受 妳手的溫度

Although I am eager to feel the warmth of your hand,


kimi no kasa wa too ku te

your umbrella is far away.


(Minhyun)               (REN)
もっと もっと 近くで

mo t to mo t to chika ku de
再更 再更 靠近一點

Get closer, get closer

(Minhyun)               (Baekho)
いつか いつか 君の横顔に

i tsu ka i tsu ka kimi no yoko gao ni
有天 有天 也想試著觸摸

One day, one day, I want to


fu re te mi ta i

touch your profile

(Minhyun)               (ARON)
もしも もしも 抱き寄せ

mo shi mo mo shi mo da ki yo se
倘若 倘若 能夠抱妳入懷
If, if I can hold you tight


(Minhyun)            (Baekho)

zu t to zu t to so ba ni i te to
我會對妳說: 「永遠永遠待在我身邊」

I'll tell you 'Please stay with me forever and ever'

言えたら 言えるのなら お願い

i e ta ra i e ru no na ra o nega i
要是能對妳說 要是能這麼對妳說 請讓我如願吧

If I can say to you, if I can say it to you, please let it be true


*君のこと好きだよ こんなにも好きだよ
kimi no ko to su ki da yo ko n na ni mo su ki da yo

我愛妳 好愛好愛妳

I love you. I love you so much.

雨音に踊る 想い 届け
ama oto ni odo ru omo i todo ke

將在雨聲中舞動的 心意 告訴你

I'll send you my thoughts dancing in the sound of the rain

特別じゃなくたって そばにいられるなら

toku betsu ja na ku ta t te so ba ni i ra re ru na ra

雖然這沒啥特別的 倘若妳能待在我身邊

Even though it is nothing special. If you can stay by my side,


ame no chi ei en o ino ru yo


I'll pray that the eternity comes after the rain.

濡れた君の街 見つけた花に 雨粒キラリ
nu re ta kimi no machi mi tsu ke ta hana ni ame tsubu ki ra ri

在被雨淋濕的妳的城市 發現的花兒上 雨滴晶瑩透亮

The raindrop on the flower I found in your town that I got wet in the rain is shining


笑う君 You're so sweet

wara u kimi You're so sweet

帶著笑容的妳 You're so sweet

You with a smile, you're so sweet

今度会う時も また見に来よう

kon do a u toki mo mi ta mi ni ko yo u

下一次相見之時 也再來看看吧

Let's take a look again till next time we meet

ささいな約束も 僕だけのもの

sa sa i na yaku soku mo boku da ke no mo no

微不足道的約定 也只有我獨享

Even such a petty promise also belongs to me only

将来の話 僕のいない story

shou rai no hanashi boku no i na i story

說著將來 卻是沒有我在的 story

The future I talk about is a story without me

I know you そうさわかってるのに

I know you so u sa wa ka t te ru no ni

I know you 沒錯我明明都曉得

I know you. Yes! I do understand

どうしても壊したい 近くても 遠い この距離 goes on….

do u shi te mo kowa shi ta i chika ku te mo too i ko no kyou ri goes on….

卻怎麼也想打破 就算近了 卻又遙遠 我們的距離 goes on….

but I still wanna break it. It's far away even though it gets close. The distance between us goes on….

(Minhyun)               (REN)
いつも いつも 会話(ことば)は
i tsu mo i tsu mo kotoba wa

就算 說的話 始終 始終

Even if the words always always

(Minhyun)               (Baekho)
ポツリ ポツリ 雨に消されても 

po tsu ri po tsu ri ame ni ke sa re te mo

會湮滅在滴滴 答答的 雨中

are put out in drops of rain




tsuta e ta i yo


I still wanna tell you.

(Minhyun)                (ARON)
もしも もしも このまま 
mo shi mo mo shi mo ko no ma ma 

倘若 倘若 能就如此 

If. if we can


(Minhyun)               (Baekho)

ずっと ずっと 笑い合って

zu t to zu t to wara i a t te
一直 一直 相互歡笑

always always laugh with each other as it is


居れたら 居られたなら お願い

 i re ta ra i ra re ta na ra o nega i

若能夠如此 若能夠就這麼如此 請讓我如願吧

If we can, if it can be true, please let it be.

誰よりも好きだよ いつだって好きだよ

dare yo ri mo su ki da yo i tsu da t te su ki da yo

我最愛的是妳無人可比 自始至終都愛妳

I love you more than anyone else. I love you all the time.


雨雲よ 消えて 光 届け

ama gumo yo ki e te hikari todo ke

積雨雲 消失 陽光 照射下來

The rain cloud disappears and the sunshine comes down


君を守り抜くのは 僕しかいないから

kimi o mamo ri nu ku no wa boku shi ka i na i ka ra

能夠守護妳到永遠的 只有我

The only one who will protect you to the end is me


ame no chi ei en o chika u yo


I swear that the eternity comes after the rain




君の街で見た 雨に光る花

kimi no machi de mi ta ame ni hika ru hana

在有妳的城市看見了 雨中閃亮的花朵

I found the flower that shines in the rain in your town

僕の街の花も いつか見せたい

boku no machi no haha mo i tsu ka mi se ta i

有天也想讓妳看看 屬於我城市的花朵

I also wanna show you the one in my town one day

止まない雨はない 明けない朝も

ya ma na i ame wa na i a ke na i asa mo

沒有下不完雨 也沒有無止盡的夜晚

There are no rain that doesn't stop and no dark eternal night

もう止まらない 今 伝えよう

mo u to ma ra na i ima tsuta e yo u

我的愛已停止不了 此刻 我要告訴妳

My love stops no more. Now I'm gonna tell you



Repeat *


誰よりも好きだよ いつだって好きだよ

dare yo ri mo su ki da yo i tsu da t te su ki da yo

我最愛的是妳無人可比 自始至終都愛妳

I love you more than anyone else. I love you all the time.


雨雲よ 消えて 光 届け

ama gumo yo ki e te hikari todo ke

積雨雲 消失 陽光 照射下來

The rain cloud disappears and the sunshine comes down


君を守り抜くのは 最後は僕だから

kimi o mamo ri nu ku no wa sai go wa boku da ka ra

能夠守護妳到永遠的 最終是我

The last one who will protect you to the end is me


ame no chi ei en o chika u yo


I swear that the eternity comes after the rain



ame no chi ei en o futa ri de


Let's stay together to the end after the rain






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