NU'EST-恋するWonderland (愛情樂園 / Love Wonderland)
作詞:NICE73 作曲:本山清治/Andrew Choi/220 編曲:本山清治
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※ E-trans by NUESTAIWAN─● Please indicate the source as NUESTAIWAN & the full link to this page when sharing.
光輝く Sunshine 心がワクワクしてる!
hikari kagaya ku Sunshine kokoro ga wa ku wa ku shi te ru
燦爛閃耀的 陽光 心情既興奮又期待!
Glorious sunshine. I am so excited in my heart!
僕と Wonderlandへ 行こう 背中押す風
boku to Wonderland e yu ko u se naka o su kaze
順著風 與我 前往 樂園吧
Come with me, let's go to the Wonderland with a tailwind
さあ チケット片手に
sa a chi ke t to(Ticket) kata te ni
來吧 隻手拿著門票
Come on, hold the ticket with one hand
あのゲートをくぐれば Brand new days
a no ge - to(Gate) o ku gu re ba Brand new days
要是越過那道門 就是嶄新的日子
Brand news days will come if we pass through that gate
*恋しようよ Wonderland 僕らはきっと Forever Forever
koi shi yo u yo Wonderland boku ra wa ki t to Forever Forever
來談場戀愛吧 樂園 我們一定可以 永恆不朽
Let's fall in love. Wonderland. We'll surely be together forever, forever
ヨロシクね!手を繋いで Forever Forever
yo ro shi ku ne te o tsuna i de Forever Forever
請把手給我!手牽手 永永遠遠
Please give me your hand! We'll hold hands together forever, forever
キラメキの 笑顔乗せ メリーゴーランド
ki ra me ki no e gao no se me ri - go - ra n do(Merry-go-round)
帶著燦爛的 笑容搭乘 旋轉木馬
Ride on merry-go-round with a sparking smile
夢じゃない 今日はSpecial 口づけて
yume ja na i kyou wa Special kuchi du ke te
這不是夢 今天是特別的 吻妳
I'm not dreaming. It's special today. Kiss you
いつも見てた 少女の様な
i tsu mo mi te ta shou jo no you na
看著始終 如少女般
You who I am used to looking at, being like a girl
ha sha gu kimi wo hitomi ki ra ki ra
and being excited, your eyes are dazzling
止まってないで 迷ってないで
to ma t te na i de mayo t te na i de
既不遲疑 也不猶豫
you don't stop and don't hesitate
i i ne t te wara t te
"Sounds great," you say with a smile
tsugi ni susu mo u
And move on to the next attraction!
そう 戸惑う ジェットコースター
so u to mado u je t to ko - su ta -(Jet coaster)
好的 讓妳不知所措的 雲霄飛車
Alright, the roller coaster that makes you perplexed
大丈夫 僕がいる Let me try! Jump!
dai jou bu boku ga i ru Let me try! Jump!
不要緊 有我在 交給我! 上吧!
It's okay. I'm here. Let me try! Jump!
抱きしめて Wonderland 二人はきっと Forever Forever
da ki shi me te Wonderland futa ri wa ki t to Forever Forever
緊緊擁抱的 樂園 我們一定可以 永恆不朽
Hold each other tight. Wonderland. We both will surely be together forever, forever
楽しもうよ 大きな声 Forever Forever
tano shi mo u yo oo ki na koe Forever Forever
來玩翻天吧 大聲叫喊 永永遠遠
Let's have fun and scream out loud forever, forever
トキメキのベルが鳴る Ready go Now!!!
do ki me ki no be ru(Bell) ga na ru Ready go Now!!!
心中小鹿亂撞的鐘聲敲響 現在準備行動!!!
The bell in my throbbing heart rings. Ready go Now!!!
(Minhyun) (REN)
yume de o wa ra se na i itsu ma de mo
Do not make it to the end in the dream! Forever and ever
恋して baby
koi shi te baby
來戀愛吧 寶貝
Let's fall in love, baby
Oh Oh Only One
Oh Oh Only One
ko ko ni a ru yo
Here is it
Everybody say
Everybody say
(Minhyun) (Minhyun, Baekho)
愛はいつでも My heart
ai wa i tsu de mo My heart
愛始終都在 我心裡
Love is always in my heart
Repeat *
抱きしめて Wonderland 二人は
da ki shi me te Wonderland futa ri wa
緊緊擁抱的 樂園 我們
Hold each other tight. Wonderland. We both will be
This love forever forever
This love forever forever
Oh oh oh oh! Oh oh oh oh!
哦哦哦哦! 哦哦哦哦!
Oh oh oh oh! Oh oh oh oh!
(Minhyun, All)
la la la! Yeah! la la la! la la la!
啦啦啦! 耶! 啦啦啦! 啦啦啦!
la la la! Yeah! la la la! la la la!
(Baekho, Minhyun)
This love forever Oh! this love forever
我們的愛逾越永恆,哦! 逾越永恆
This love forever Oh! this love forever
(Minhyun, All)
la la la! Yeah! la la la! la la la!
啦啦啦! 耶! 啦啦啦! 啦啦啦!
la la la! Yeah! la la la! la la la!
This love forever
This love forever
Love Wonderland