簡直就是為了演唱會作的『Let's go Crazy!』。^_^
日文歌詞就是,遇到英文+日文時,要「上下兩句英文 & 上下兩句日文」這麼看。
NU'EST-Let's go Crazy!
作詞:U-CHA 作曲:U-CHA 編曲:U-CHA
※ NUESTAIWAN 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考─● 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!並附上本文網址及註明“NUESTAIWAN”
※ E-trans by NUESTAIWAN─● Please indicate the source as NUESTAIWAN & the full link to this page when sharing.
揺らして Move your feet
yu ra shi te Move your feet
扭動 擺動妳的雙腳
Groove, move your feet
感じて Be with you
kan ji te Be with you
感受 與妳一起
Feel, be with you
Listen cuz I only wanna 君といたい
Listen cuz I only wanna kimi to i ta i
聽好了,因為我只想 與妳一起
Listen cuz I only wanna be with you
You know I, you know I 君と叫びたい
You know I, you know I kimi to sake bi ta i
妳懂我,我懂妳 想與妳一同尖叫
You know I, you know I. Wanna scream with you
(REN, Minhyun)
Get crazy 誰も
Get crazy dare mo
一起來瘋 沒錯與誰
Get crazy, it doesn't matter
Stand up そう関係ない
Stand up so u kan kei na i
嗨起來 都無關
Stand up, who you are for sure
手を叩け Give me all you got
te o tata ke Give me all you got
一起來鼓掌 傾盡妳所能
Clap your hands, give me all you got
盛り上がれ Show me what you got
mo ri a ga re Show me what you got
一起嗨起來 釋放妳所有
Get high, show me what you got
kokoro hibi ka se te
Let your heart beat
(Minhyun, Baekho)
忘れないで Tonight
wasu re na i de Tonight
別忘了 今晚
Don't forget about tonight
*Count it out!
Count it out!
(All, Baekho)
1! 2! 手をあげて!
1! 2! te o a ge te
1! 2! 舉起妳的雙手!
1! 2! Put your hands up!
3! 4! Oh Ready Get Set Jump!
3! 4! 哦準備,來跳起來!
3! 4! Oh Ready Get Set Jump!
熱いDance beat、踊るHeartbeat
atsu i Dance beat、odo ru Heartbeat
Enthusiastic dance beat and throbbing heartbeat
一緒に声あげ Sing as one
i ssho ni koe a ge Sing as one
一起大聲 唱出來
Let's sing as one loundly
1! 2! いつだって
1! 2! i tsu da t te
1! 2! 自始至終
1! 2! All the time
3! 4! I'll be there next to you
3! 4! 我都會在妳身邊
3! 4! I'll be there next to you
ki ka se te ku re
Let me hear your voice!
(REN, Minhyun)
終わらない Music
o wa ra na i Music
無止盡的 音樂
Non-stop music
永遠(とわ)にBe with you
to wa ni Be with you
Be with you forever
手を叩け、There's no stopping now
te o tata ke、There's no stopping now
Clap your hands, there's no stopping now
盛り上がれ、You know it's party time
mo ri a ga re、You know it's party time
Get high, you know it's party time
hito tsu ni na t ta ima
Now we became as one
(Minhyun, Baekho)
I will remember tonight
I will remember tonight
Carry on!
Carry on!
(All, Baekho)
1! 2! We're only going up
1! 2! 我會只會愈來愈好
1! 2! We're only going up
3! 4! 数え切れない
3! 4! kazo e ki re na i
3! 4! 數也數不清
3! 4! Can't even count
iya na ko to、fu t to ba shi te
Blow off the unpleasant things
諦めないで Til the end
akira me na i de Til the end
直到最後 永不放棄
Don't give up til the end
1! 2! 叶えられる!
1! 2! kana e ra re ru
1! 2! 一定可以實現!
1! 2! It can be true!
3! 4! きっとDreams come true
3! 4! ki t to Dreams come true
3! 4! 夢想一定會成真
3! 4! Definitely, dreams come true
ashita o shin ji te
Believe in tomorrow!
(Minhyun, REN)
Follow me 声を聞かせてくれ
Follow me koe o ki ka se te ku re
跟著我 讓我聽見妳的聲音
Follow me. Let me hear your voice
I say NU, you say EST
I say NU, you say EST
(Minhyun, REN)
Follow me これからはTogether now
Follow me ko re ka ra wa Together now
跟著我 今後也要一直在一起
Follow me. We'll be together now and in the future
I say NU, you say EST
I say NU, you say EST
Repeat *
諦めないで Til the end
akira me na i de Til the end
直到最後 永不放棄
Don't give up til the end
ashita o shin ji te
Believe in tomorrow!