★ 2017.05.25-[heyoTV] 뉴이스트 (NU'EST) 백호 (BAEKHO 白虎)-'이미 슬픈 사랑 (Already Sad Love.已然悲傷的愛)' KTV LIVE @ NU'EST的私生活 EP.1 2016.09.21 [韓+中+英/KOR+CHN+ENG]
影片來源/Video Source:https://youtu.be/_m1dh8LEd10
翻譯製作/Translator & Editor:NUESTAIWAN
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뉴이스트 (NU'EST) 백호 (BAEKHO 白虎)-이미 슬픈 사랑 (Already Sad Love.已然悲傷的愛)
作詞:이재혁 作曲:이재혁 編曲:
原唱:야다 (yada) 2006.03.29 [Regular Album] Special Story
※ NUESTAIWAN 中譯,翻譯歌詞僅供參考─● 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!並附上本文網址及註明“NUESTAIWAN”
※ E-trans by NUESTAIWAN─● Please indicate the source as NUESTAIWAN & the full link to this page when sharing.
널 볼 수 있어 행복했었지
過去能看到妳 是多麼幸福的事
I was happy to be able to see you
그대가 날 위해 있어준 시간만큼
As much as the time you was there for me
너의 부모님께 전해들었지
I heard from your parents that
나 아닌 사람과 결혼하게 된 걸
妳和別人結了婚 新郎不是我
You married someone else but me
너 그렇게 힘든데 내게 말 못하고
妳這麼地痛苦 竟無法對我說
You were in pain but couldn't tell me
울고있던게 생각나
I remember the way you was crying
떠나는 그대여 울지 말아요 슬퍼말아요
離開我的妳 請別哭泣 也別難過
Don't cry and be sad, you who left me
내가 단념할게요 마음 편히 가시도록
我會對妳死心 好讓妳能夠舒坦點
I'll give up so that you can feel better
내사랑 그대가 날 떠나 행복할 수 있다면
倘若我的愛 親愛的妳 離開我 就能幸福的話
My love, if you leave me and be able to be happy
내가 떠나갈께요 나의 그대 삶에 축복을....
我會放手離開 給予我親愛的妳 人生的祝福....
I'll let go and wish you all best in your life....