




★ 2017.07.03-増田貴久(增田貴久)-Skye Beautiful PV 2016.04.20 [日+中]


★ 2017.06.29-増田貴久(增田貴久)-Skye Beautiful @ NEWS LIVE TOUR 2015 WHITE 2016.04.20 [日+中]


影片來源/Video Source:-

翻譯製作/Translator & Editor:avex 愛貝克思, NEWS3TAIWAN


分享請註明 ♥ NEWS 台灣非官方後援會 @NEWS3TAIWAN ♥

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Please indicate the source as ♥ NEWS TAIWAN Unofficial Fan Club @NEWS3TAIWAN ♥ when sharing.





増田貴久(增田貴久)-Skye Beautiful


作詞:Ryohei Yamamoto 作曲:Ryohei Yamamoto 編曲:TRAKSTA


avex 愛貝克思 中譯 內容請勿轉貼,僅限分享網址!!並附上本文網址及註明“NEWS3TAIWAN


Reach for the skye 想いに身を預けて

Reach for the skye omoi ni mi o azu ke te

Reach for the skye 聽從自己的心


眼を閉じれば I'll be there

me o to ji re ba I'll be there

只要閉上雙眼 I'll be there


繕った 覚えたての理屈 脱ぎ捨て

tsukuro t ta obo e ta te no ri kutsu ni gi su te

將整整齊齊的 剛學會的大道理 丟到一邊


見渡せば there's a way

mi wata se ba there's a way

放眼望去 there's a way


Everything's beautiful

Look, everything's beautiful



Reach for the stars 誰のために光るの?

Reach for the stars dare no ta me ni hika ru no

Reach for the stars 為誰而燦燦發光?


教えてくれ what's out there?

oshi e te ku re what's out there?

請告訴我 what's out there


聞き落とした 胸に眠る強さ 握りしめ

ki ki o to shi ta mune ni nemu ru tsuyo sa nigi ri shi me

將漏聽的 沈睡在心中的力量 緊緊握在手裡


思うがまま all the way

omo u ga ma ma all the way

隨心所欲 all the way



Everything's beautiful

'cause, everything's beautiful



Reach for the light 遥か永遠(とわ)の彼方まで yeah

Reach for the light haru ka to wa no kana ta me de yeah

Reach for the light 直到遙遠永恆的彼方 yeah


踏み出すだけ anywhere

fu mi da su da ke anywhere

只需踏出腳步 anywhere


着飾る理想 汚れる恐れ 全て振りほどいて

ki kaza ru ri sou yogo re ru oso re sube te fu ri ho do i te

將華而不實的理想 可能遭到污染的恐懼 全部拋開


感じるままに lead the way

kan ji ru ma ma ni lead the way

任憑感覺 lead the way



Everything's beautiful

Now, everything's beautiful

And my heart's unbreakable

And now my heart is UNBREAKABLE



Vision clear open WIDE


Peekabooして None to HIDE

Peekaboo shit te None to HIDE

躲貓貓 None to HIDE


Deja vu 夢みたい

Deja vu yume mi ta i

似曾相識 如夢一般


There's nothing in the way that I can't FIGHT




listen feel it down INSIDE


繋がる World is on my MIND

tsuna ga ru World is on my MIND

串連起來 World is on my MIND


はじけるから Like DYNAMITE

ha ji ke ru ka ra Like DYNAMITE

生龍活虎 Like DYNAMITE


Stay BEAUTIFUL and このまま let's go FLY!

Stay BEAUTIFUL and ko no ma ma let's go FLY!

Stay BEAUTIFUL and 就這樣  let's go FLY!



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